Quick Info
Phone: (802) 652-7300
Orchard School is staffed with a full-time librarian and a full-time Library Media Technician (LMT) who see and serve all 430 students and the building's teaching staff all week.
Please direct any technology questions or basic book due/book return questions to Ms. Cara. Any family questions about the library program, content of materials, or instructional needs for books should be directed to the librarian, Ms. Wiz.
Librarian: Jess Wisloski (Ms. Wiz) email me! (opens in a mail app)
Library Media Technician: Cara Johnson (Ms. Cara) email me! (opens in a mail app)
The librarian teaches library classes to all 24 classrooms; all students receive 50 minute per week of library class instruction. K-1 students go to the library twice per week for 25-minute intervals. Book checkout for K-1 is on their second day in the week.
Hours: 7:50 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. all normal school days. Currently there is no "open browsing" time available.
When are my child's books due? (Class schedule opens in a Google Doc.)